Learn About Offshore Banking With Banks In Comoros


What are banks in Comoros offshore account?

An offshore account is nothing more than a classic bank account familiar to every citizen, however, it could not do without characteristic features: the title “offshore” can rightfully bear both an account opened by a resident in a foreign bank and an account opened in an offshore bank. An offshore account can be personal or corporate.

Why do you need an offshore account?

An offshore account has a lot of undeniable advantages:

It's profitable.

Offshore jurisdiction is invariably identified in the global economy with providing the most favorable conditions to foreign clients. First of all, this is a reduced (often absent) tax rate and minimized annual maintenance fees.

It's comfortable.

As a rule, in offshore bank, currency control is minimized or completely absent, the client is exempted from the need to submit a report on the operations performed, data on the type of his activity, and the way he makes a profit is also in little demand. Such bank loyalty is often a particularly relevant and attractive condition for both individuals and legal entities.

It's safe.

In view of the increased frequency of raider attacks, an offshore account has become a must-have for people who want to save capital. The account holder can count on protection not only from fraud but from blocking by government authorities of the country of which he is a resident.

It's confidential.

All offshore banks impeccably observe the rule of client anonymity. Personal data is kept in the strictest secrecy, and getting this information into the hands of third parties is practically impossible. Some of the offshore banks have an item on financial security insurance in the list of services.

It's safe.

Due to their economic development, offshore countries have a strong and effective political regime, banks adhere to conservative, proven ways of doing business, thereby giving the client a guarantee of capital safety and confidence in the future.

There are two types of offshore accounts.


The current account is the main tool for easy business management abroad. This type of offshore account is relevant for real-time activities and is practical for a large volume of transactions. An undeniable advantage of a current account is the absence of restrictions on the number of financial transactions carried out on it.

Some banks, when opening accounts of this type, put forward conditions for customers regarding the minimum balance of the account, maintaining the annual turnover. To activate a current account, the client usually has to transfer a certain amount to it in order to confirm his solvency, upon acceptance by the bank of the verification result, the account becomes valid, and the client receives unlimited access to the previously credited funds.


This type of offshore account is designed to store and/or increase cash savings. Many offshore bank like banks in Comoros, in addition to interest deposits, offer clients a wide range of investment programs, with varying degrees of risk and varying benefits. The number of transactions allowed for savings accounts is fixed and is usually limited to 5-10 transactions per month.


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