Bank Guarantee In The Form Of Standby Letter Of Credit


In this letter, the issuing bank undertakes, on behalf of its principal, to indemnify a named beneficiary if the beneficiary, with the documents specified in detail in the standby letter of credit, fails to fulfill the obligation incumbent on the principal or a third party.

Although the SBLC Externally is usually presented in the form of a letter of credit, it must be regarded as an instrument similar to a guarantee if the economic purpose of the obligation is not as in the case of a letter of credit - directed towards the fulfillment of a payment obligation, but -as in the case of a bank guarantee, the financial disadvantages in the absence of one certain success (e.g. non-fulfillment of a delivery obligation) are to be compensated.

Originally developed for US banking practice to meet the special legal requirements that apply there but have since become obsolete, it can now also be found in international business.

Is one of the letters of credit (documentary letter of credit) according to the ERA and, like every letter of credit, includes a promise to pay (promise of debt) from the issuing bank. SBLC sometimes referred to as standby letters of credit, have application as guarantee-like instruments: in the pure form of the standby letter of credit, the issuing bank's payment (as with bank guarantees) is confirmed by a written statement of the beneficiary or a (neutral) third party.

On Standby Letters of Credit Which are used as documentary guarantee instruments, the beneficiary has to make use of a standby letter of credit in addition to the aforementioned written statement additionally (export) documents submitted, the SBLC are required, and typically the required other documentary documents n correspond.

What is a letter of credit and what is its purpose?

It is a conditional payment order received by a bank to pay a beneficiary (seller) on behalf of an order of an ordering party (buyer) through a correspondent bank, against the presentation of certain shipping documents or delivery of services.

Its purpose is to facilitate foreign and domestic trade, eliminating mistrust and risk that may exist between buyer and seller.

You can complement the information by entering letters of credit and selecting the modality that you want to know, you will also obtain information on the documents that are requested as well as you can download the format.

Letter Of Credit Guarantee for International Trade

They are instruments issued on behalf of our client in favor of a beneficiary, through which the Bank guarantees the fulfillment of contracted obligations. Depending on the needs, different types of Standby Letters can be issued.

These guarantees are internationally recognized and there are different types such as Commercial, Compliance, and Good management of advances, Seriousness of offer, and Quality, among others.

Standby letter of credit is a flexible instrument that is used to guarantee different types of contracts, such as payment through an open account of the Mwali importer, national and international bids, and contract compliance.

Likewise, prominence bank has an extensive network of banks worldwide that allows it to manage the requirements of companies around the world and meet the commitments required in its projects within the established times.


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