What Is Custody Account And How It Will Be Useful?

Today there are many services provided by the bank. One such service is opening the custody account which is also known as Safe Keeping Receipts (SKR). Many people wish to deposit their assets safely. For this reason, all you need is to use the Safe Keeping Receipt service from the bank. This can be used as a storage of assets or any other valuables. Usually, the issuer of the SKR takes the responsibility of protecting the valuables stored in the financial institution. Custody account – How it will be helpful in business? Safe Keeping Receipt is the instrument that is provided by the bank if you wish to save your asset. Since it is used for protecting the assets it is important to find the best financial instrument where you can get the SKR instrument. You can find a reliable financial instrument if you do proper research. Whatever may be the asset type, you can now safely protect them using the SKR where the bank takes the responsibility of protecting the asset. For this, all...